What a great noise we are making!
An overwhelming tsunami of sound and fury. A great flood has inundated the world and Noah in nowhere to be found. From the empty bellowing of the radio waves, to the puzzled phrases of the written word, to the blurred visual imagination of television, to the inane drone of the ubiquitous cell phone, to the anger and bombast of internet postings, to a twittering in the distance. This cloud computing leviathan has put a dank fog upon human discourse. We can access the world but cannot discern a single voice. We have a million thoughts at our fingertips but we can't wade throught the clotted digital arteries full of bile and mediocrity that blinds us to a commonality of purpose. From duelling mystics to craven mammon: a virtual Tower of Babel.
And here I am in the middle of it waving my flag. Maybe I'm making the same mistake we all are and should just keep my mouth shut.
I think we have gone through the looking glass and we have no idea whose running the asylum.
It's all White Noise. Is this the best we can do?
Maybe it will eventually cancel itself out and we will be left with ineffable silence.